Privacy Policy Last update 13 hours ago

Privacy Policy

This is Feork's Privacy Policy, and it's here to explain how and why we use your personal information when you use our site or service. When we say "Feork," we mean the company that runs this platform. When we mention the "Site," we're talking about our website (, and the "Service" includes everything related to our platform.

1. Collecting Information

If you use our service, you might be a Client, Freelancer, or just visiting our site.

a. Information You Give Us

When you use our service, you share information about yourself, like your name, contact details, and financial info for payments. We may also collect data about your use of the service to enhance it. You might share info about your contacts or friends too. Agencies may provide info about Freelancers linked with them.

1. Categories of Personal Information We Collect

1.1 Examples of Personal Information Collected

  • Identifiers: Name, Date of Birth, Social Media Account Information, Profile Data, IP Address
  • Contact / Account Profile Information: Email Address, Home Address, Billing Address, Phone Number
  • Sensitive Personal Information / Government Issued Identification Numbers: Social Security Number, Driver’s License, State Identification or Passport Number, VAT Identification Number, Tax Identification Number, Immigration Status, Citizenship Information
  • Commercial Information: Transaction Data including services offered, considered, or purchased
  • Financial Data/Payment Information: Credit card or other financial account information
  • Internet or Other Network or Device Activities Including Information from Cookies: Unique device and app identifiers, browsing history or other usage data, browser and operating system information, URL or advertisement referrals, search engine terms, areas visited within the Service, clicked links, viewed content, and related statistics
  • Approximate Geolocation Information: Your approximate location
  • Sensory Information: Audio recordings (with permission) and video recordings (with permission)
  • Other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you: User-generated content, photographs, examples of work, information on previous work via the Service and outside the Service, skills, tests taken, test scores, hourly pay rates, and earnings information.

2. Categories of Sources of Personal Information

2.1 Business Purpose for Collection of Personal Information

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, service providers, and other users)

Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.

3. Business Purpose for Collection of Personal Information

3.1 Examples of Personal Information Collected

  • Identifiers: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Contact / Account Profile Information: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communicating with You, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Sensitive Personal Information / Government Issued Identification Numbers: Verifying Your Identity and Detecting Fraud, Identity Theft, or Other Misuse of Your Account, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Commercial Information: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Financial Data/Payment Information: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Internet or Other Network or Device Activities Including Information from Cookies: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Approximate Geolocation Information: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Sensory Information: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.
  • Other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you: Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance, and Regulatory Obligations.

b. Non-Identifying Information

We may collect data like zip codes or demographics that doesn't directly identify you. Sometimes, we turn Personal Info into a code for analysis, but we treat it as Personal Info.

c. Information Collected Automatically

We get technical data when you use our service, like log-in info and browsing habits. We use this for analysis, improving the site, and showing you relevant ads.

d. Work Diaries and Work View

Freelancers can share info about their work, like screenshots or keystrokes, with Clients. Freelancers can block data sharing, but they may not get paid for that work. We use this data for analysis and research.

e. Third-Party Analytics Providers, Ad Servers, and Similar Third Parties

We work with partners for ads and analytics to understand how people use our site. You can opt-out of interest-based ads.

f. Do Not Track Signals and GPC

Your browser may send a “Do Not Track” signal. We usually don’t change our practices based on this. We honor the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal in your cookie preferences.

g. Messaging

Users may chat with each other on our platform, and both parties control the data shared in these communications.

h. Children

Our service is for users 18 and older. We don’t knowingly collect info from those under 18. If we find out child-provided info, we’ll try to delete it. Parents can contact us at

2. How We Use Your Information

We use the info we collect through the service to make the service better, process your requests, prevent fraud, provide you with info and ads that you might like, follow the law, and with your permission.

a. How We Use the Info:

  • To improve the service, complete your transactions, and handle your inquiries.
  • To contact you with important info and newsletters.
  • To personalize the content and offers you see.
  • To manage our business relationship with you and for statistics reports.
  • To review your proposal for a project and prepare necessary reports.
  • To follow the law, investigate, protect rights, and ensure safety.
  • To fulfill our contractual commitments and for our legitimate interests, like providing the service and improving it.
  • To comply with legal obligations.

3. Keeping Your Data

We keep your personal info as long as needed for the reasons it was collected, and to meet legal or reporting requirements.

4. Sharing and Disclosing Info

We don’t "sell" your personal info, but we may share it for various reasons:

Feork Users: Sharing info between Freelancers, Clients, Agencies, and Feork Payroll vendors.

Service Providers: Using third-party companies to help us provide and analyze the service.

Generative AI Partners: Integrating third-party AI service providers for enhanced features.

Legal and Investigative Purposes: Sharing info when required by law or for reporting earnings.

Internal and Business Transfers: Sharing info with Feork LLC. and affiliates for business purposes.

Feork Foundation Initiative: Sharing relevant info with partners for program participation.

Sweepstakes, Contests, and Promotions: Sharing info for participation in promotions.

Non-Identifying Information: Sharing aggregated non-identifying info with third parties.

5. Your Choices and Rights

You have certain choices and rights about your info, like opting out of ads. You can ask someone to request things for you. You won't be treated unfairly for using your privacy rights.

Verifying Your Request:

Only you or someone you allow can make requests about your info. We'll check your request to make sure it's really you. If it's about accessing or deleting your info, we need to be sure it's you asking.

For People in Europe, UK, or Switzerland:

You have rights to:

  • Access your info.
  • Delete your info.
  • Correct wrong info.
  • Limit how we use your info.
  • Say no to more processing, including marketing.
  • Request your info in a usable format.
  • Take back any consent you gave.
  • Limit automatic processing of your info.
  • Complain to the right authority.

For California Residents:

  • You can ask for info about what we collected in the past year.
  • You can opt-out of selling or sharing your info.
  • You can limit the use of sensitive info.
  • You can ask to delete your info.
  • You can ask to correct your info.

For Nevada Residents:

You can opt-out of selling your info.

For Other States:

Rights include confirming, accessing, porting, deleting, and correcting your info. You can also opt-out of certain processes.

Appeals Process & Concerns:

If we say no to your request, you can appeal. If you're not happy, contact our dispute resolution provider.

6. Security

We try to protect your info, but no security is perfect. We use safeguards to keep info safe.

7. Cross-Border Data Transfers

We process info in Bangladesh. If we send info elsewhere, we ensure it's protected.

Privacy Shield Notice:

We follow the Privacy Shield framework. For complaints, contact us first or use JAMS.

8. Links to Other Sites

We have links to other websites. Clicking means you go to their site. We don't control them, so check their privacy policies.

9. Changes to This Policy

This policy might change. If it's big, we'll let you know.

10. Contact Us

If you want to use your rights, contact us. Questions? Email or write to us.