Starting at $80.00

Provide You 4000+ Ships Owners & Operators B2C, B2B Email Database

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For the world fleet of vessels, there are tens of thousands of maritime companies playing various roles. Registered owners tend to be set up for temporary use on a voyage, time-charter, or simply to hide the real beneficial owner details.

We uncover the beneficial owners of vessels by conducting rapid in-house investigative techniques and providing links to prove existing relationships.

This list can be used for any of your sales promotion activities. This is a database that includes all the details below.

“Updated Excel File Leads Containing:

 • This list is an Email-only list. See the screenshots above for further explanation.

 • You can use this list for any of your sales promotion activities.


 • Total Records: 4000+

 • File Type: Excel (CSV)

No fake emails. No duplicates, The Database is clean and fresh.

Note: You will get 1,100 Ships Owners & Operators B2C, B2B Email Database, Active Email Only for just $80